国外BIM软件十大类别,看看你都会吗?2022-05-23 11:13
来源:BIM蓝图 版权归原作者所有 以下是10个类别:
To fight Evil BIM one of the most important things you will need is the BIM Execution Plan (BEP)– or similar type of “project plan”. The BEP is the rulebook for teams to agree on BIM standards, BIM processes, BIM execution planning workflows and BIM scopes. 为了对抗邪恶的BIM,您需要的最重要的事情之一是BIM执行计划(BEP) - 或类似的“项目计划”。BEP是团队就BIM标准,BIM流程,BIM执行计划工作流程和BIM范围达成一致的规则手册。 软件1.1:LOD PLANNER Online BIM Execution Planning tool to agree on BIM processes and BIM scopes with free BEP Templates – find out more… BIM is not just drawing lines, arcs and circles – for BIM we must start with objects. BIM不只是画线,弧和圆 - 或BIM我们必须从对象开始。这些对象可以处于各种细节级别/开发/定义(LOD),也可以预先加载制造商信息。管理此内容对于确保每个人都使用相同的构建块创建BIM非常重要。 软件2.1:BIMOBJECT
软件2.3:UNIFI Cloud based Content Management Software for architects who work with Revit to manage family libraries, reports and analytics about how your content is used. 软件2.4:MAGICAD Modelling and engineering calculations with over 1,000,000 intelligent BIM objects of real MEP products from leading international manufacturers. 广联达收购 软件2.5:BIM&CO. Download high-quality BIM objects from international building product manufacturers directly in your chosen BIM software. An interesting category as teams argue for and against if some of these 3D modeling tools are “true BIM tools” or not. The tools listed below could be used for a quick massing model, virtual construction prototyping, construction documentation and even detailed fabrication level design for an entire building. 如果这些3D建模工具中的一些是“真正的BIM工具”,团队争论和反对的一个有趣的类别。下面列出的工具可用于快速体量模型,虚拟建筑原型设计,施工文档甚至整个建筑的详细制造水平设计。 软件3.1:SKETCHUP
内梅切克收购 软件3.4:VECTORWORKS
软件3.11:RHINO BIM
There are many buzzwords used in the Algorithmic-Aided Design (AAD) space These tools are usually based on visual scripting rather than textual scripting. 算法辅助设计(AAD)空间中使用了许多流行语。这些工具通常基于可视化脚本而不是文本脚本。它们有助于自动化设计工作流程,并为人类提供大量选项,以做出更明智的决策。 软件4.1:DYNAMO
Intelligent 3D models can be used to automate building analysis before construction starts. This could be a solar study, a structural analysis, modeling the flow of people for fire codes and all kinds of energy efficiency calculations for green buildings. 智能3D模型可用于在施工开始前自动进行建筑性能分析。这可以是太阳能研究,结构分析,模拟人员流动的火灾代码和绿色建筑的各种能效计算。 软件5.1:ROBOT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Test the effects of structural loads and verify code compliance. 软件5.2:SEFAIRA
软件5.3:STAAD One of the most widely used structural analysis and design software products worldwide. 软件5.4:SCIA Combining structural engineering know-how with technology, to provide powerful structural analysis and design. 软件5.5:GREEN BUILDING STUDIO Cloud-based service to run building performance simulations to optimize energy efficiency and to work toward carbon neutrality earlier in the design process. 软件5.6:LADYBUG Perform detailed analysis of climate data to produce customized, interactive visualizations for environmentally-informed design. Building Information Models are usually created by many stakeholders. 建筑信息模型通常由许多利益相关者创建。为了让每个人都能在同一页面上停留,这些模型不能保持孤岛。这些BIM协作工具允许团队在适当的时间共享和访问正确的模型。 软件6.1:BIM 360 Construction management software to connect, organize and optimize. From design collaboration, documentation and reviews, to pre-construction, quality and safety and operations. 软件6.2:TRIMBLE CONNECT A collaborative environment to make project information traceable, transparent, and accessible to help users to build better. Allows users to view, share, and access project information from anywhere, at anytime. 软件6.3:ALLPLAN BIMPLUS Open BIM platform for all disciplines to collaborate with BIM data, information, documents and tasks managed centrally over the complete building life cycle. 内梅切克 软件6.4:BIMSIGHT Free collaboration tool to combine models for 3D navigation, automatic clash detection, mark-ups, IFC support, multiple model viewing, and object or model coloring and transparency. 软件6.5:DROFUS Data management tool for workflow support and access to building information throughout the building lifecycle. 内梅切克收购 软件6.6:BIMX Desktop and mobile tools to interactively present the 3D model and 2D documentation created with ArchiCAD through a much simpler and intuitive user interface. When combining 3D models from multiple project teams issues can often be uncovered. 当组合来自多个项目团队的3D模型时,通常可以发现问题。与施工团队开始现场工作后相比,这些问题可以在虚拟模型中以更低的成本解决。有时需要跟踪数千个问题。这就是为什么以下BIM检查/工作流程工具对于获得BIM的真正好处至关重要。 软件7.1:BIM TRACK OpenBIM webapp to centralize issues and communications for resolution. 软件7.2:REVIZTO Real-time issue tracking software with a focus on collaboration and BIM project coordination. 软件7.3:BIM ASSURE Cloud-based software that helps owners and project teams work together to create complete, reliable model data. 软件7.4:NAVISWORKS
软件7.5:SOLIBRI MODEL CHECKER For BIM validation, compliance, coordination, design review, analysis and code checking. 软件7.6:BIMCOLLAB Issue collaboration platform built on IFC and BCF open standards to store, share and solve issues with history tracking. 软件7.7:SIMPLEBIM For producing, merging, or using IFC files. BIMs can be used to gain efficiencies for contractors in their estimating and scheduling workflows.Model elements can be scheduled over time to identify phasing and sequencing challenges. BIM可用于在承包商的估算和调度工作流程中提高效率。可以随时调度模型元素以识别阶段和排序挑战。元素也可以自动计算并与估算数据库绑定,以生成更准确的5D构造估计值,这些估算值将随模型的变化而更新。这绝对不是“好莱坞BIM”! 软件8.1:ASSEMBLE SYSTEMS Manage BIM models, drawings & point clouds – perform design reviews, bid management, takeoff, change management and estimating. 欧特克收购 软件8.2:VICO OFFICE Constructability, estimating, cost management, schedule planning, procurement and change management processes. 天宝收购 软件8.3:SYNCHRO PROFESSIONAL
天宝收购 软件8.4:COSTX 2D & 3D takeoff, estimating and reporting using measurement from 2D drawings and the generation of automatic quantities from 3D models. 软件8.5:DPROFILER 3D macro modeling and cost estimating to build a model of your conceptual design and generate an early phase cost estimate. 软件8.6:ITWO / MTWO 5D planning and execution moving to the MTWO cloud. After building the project virtually (in the computer) it’s now time to break dirt and build the real thing – this is where the rubber meets the road. 虚拟地(在计算机中)构建项目之后,现在是时候打破尘土并构建真实的东西 - 这就是橡胶与道路的界面。之前列出的许多协作工具也在施工阶段使用。以下工具更侧重于BIM的施工方面。 软件9.1:GRIT VIRTUAL Agile construction schedule generation with 3D visualization. 软件9.2:ALICE TECHNOLOGIES Explore millions of scheduling options in minutes. 软件9.3:VERITY Helps teams compare point clouds and models to find construction mistakes before they become expensive problems. This is where BIM meets LOD 500 (what even is LOD 500?!?).The “i’ in BiM now comes alive and Building Information Models can be used for the entire life of a building. 这是BIM遇到LOD 500的地方(即使是LOD 500?!?)。BiM中的“i”现在变得活跃起来,建筑信息模型可以用于建筑物的整个生命周期。这些工具可帮助业主在合适的时间快速找到重要信息,从而在运营建筑资产时提高效率。 软件10.1:ECODOMUS Designed for real estate owners to implement maintenance procedures, specifically cutting on energy and labor costs. 软件10.2:ONUMA An open-architecture BIM platform with standard tools to visualize facility data for real-time informed decision making. 软件10.3:ARCHIBUS Manage facilities, infrastructure, and real estate. 软件10.4:YOUBIM Navigate virtually through a property to access asset information and location through an easy-to-navigate web-based 2D/3D-BIM interface. 软件10.5:VUEOPS View and manage facility operations with intelligent search and location-based BIM navigation to manage warranty events for assets. |